Industrial Rehabilitation | Work Hardening Program | Functional Capacity Evaluation at Accessible Physical Therapy in MD

Accessible Physical Therapy's Industrial Rehabilitation Program includes:

  •  Work Conditioning/Work Hardening Program (3-6 hours per day): Designed to facilitate a safe return to work.
  •  Injury Prevention: Learn techniques to avoid injuries.
  •  Back and Neck Care: Receive guidance on exercises to prevent back and neck pain.
  •  Posture and Body Mechanics Instruction: Understand proper posture and body mechanics.
  •  Job Task Analysis: Assess specific tasks involved in your job.

Before entering the Work Hardening Program, all patients undergo a comprehensive Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), which typically takes 4-6 hours.

FCEs are thorough assessments of flexibility, strength, endurance, and aerobic conditioning, essential for determining appropriate work placement or level of involvement in the Work Hardening Program. They are also used to assess a patient's readiness for a safe return to work, with a detailed job description being a crucial component.

The FCE includes:

  •  Physical Evaluation: Measures the range of motion, strength, and endurance of the injured area, comparing it to the opposite side or a normal database.
  •  Functional Abilities Testing::
    a)Standardized tests for tasks such as lifting, pushing, pulling, squatting, carrying, and climbing.
    b) Hand function tests assessing fine and gross motor coordination, grip strength, pinch strength, and manipulation.
    c) Submaximal cardiovascular endurance tests to evaluate aerobic capacity.
    d) Static positional tolerance assessments.
  •  Physical Examination and Neurological Evaluation: Comprehensive examination of the injured area and overall neurological status.